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Instructional Time Model

Paloma Elementary School District #94

Date of Governing Board Meeting to Introduce ITM:

(1st Public Hearing) September 2nd, 2021

Date of Governing Board Meeting to Adopt an ITM:

(2nd Public Hearing) September 9th, 2021

Calendar and Attendance Tracking for ITM:

Remote Instruction Model includes a combination of the following:

  • Real-Time Google Meets (only when authorized by the District)

  • Mastery-Based Learning (only when authorized by the District)

How will these methods replace instruction that would otherwise be provided in a teacher-led, in-person classroom?

Remote instruction will be offered through a combination of real-time through Google Meets and/or Mastery-Based Learning.

Remote Only Instruction will be offered in real-time through Google Meets. The same instruction being offered in-person will be offered in a virtual setting. Real-time through Google Meets is only available when the entire classroom or the entire school is closed to in-person instruction and only when authorized by the District.

Mastery-Based Learning will offer the same materials and lessons that would be provided in-person. This will include work packets, on-line curriculum platforms, and work assigned as part of the adopted curriculum. Completion of the materials to a satisfactory level will be determined by the classroom teacher. Mastery-Based Learning may replace in-person instruction when a student is home sick, in quarantine or isolation, when the entire classroom or the entire school is closed to in-person instruction and only when authorized by the District.

Attendance Tracking Procedure:

For the Remote Instruction Model, attendance tracking will occur through a combination of Real-Time Zoom Meetings and/or Mastery Based learning.

Real-Time Google Meets are only available when the entire classroom or the entire school is closed to in-person instruction unless under pre-approved special circumstances. Real-Time Google Meets will only take place with approval by the District.  In order to receive credit through Real-Time Google Meets, students must be logged into the class and participating, preferably showing their faces.  Students who log out prior to the end of the instruction period (determined by classroom teacher) will be marked absent by the classroom teacher, unless logging out was approved by the teacher. Students do not need to be logged in for recess, lunch, etc. In the event of technical issues, the classroom teacher will determine a student’s participation based on communication by parent and/or student and the effort to make up for the lost instructional time. 

For Mastery-Based Learning, attendance tracking will occur upon completion of the assignments and materials provided by the classroom teacher. Students will be given credit for attendance after satisfactory completion of assignments and materials. If the materials and assignments are not completed to a satisfactory degree, they can be returned to the student and resubmitted to the teacher until it meets the requirements for mastery (determined by the classroom teacher). Students who meet requirements for mastery will be given attendance credit after submission and approval by the classroom teacher. Mastery-Based Learning is only available when authorized by the District.